A few simple rules.

  • Make sure to turn off the lights, air conditioning, and any electronics when you leave the house. Don’t forget to close the windows and lock the door.

  • Our neighborhood is important to us. Please respect the community and try to avoid making loud noise between 10 pm and 8 am.

  • No Smoking. Smoking of any kind is absolutely not allowed inside the home, but you can smoke in outdoor.

  • One approved dog is welcome at our home, but please don’t let them up onto the furniture, especially the couch and beds.

  • No parties or events are to be hosted at this home.

  • Sub-renting this home is not permitted.

  • No lit candles.

  • Please don’t rearrange our furniture.

  • Please clean dishes and kitchen after you use it.

  • No unregistered guests allowed.

  • Please do not eat or drink in the bedrooms.

  • No illegal substances are allowed on the premises.

  • Please respect check-in and check-out times.